Java SDK

Version 0.1.3

The Java Bot SDK empowers developers with the capability to manage chats and send/receive messages.


Add dependency

repositories {
    maven {
        url ''

dependencies {
    implementation 'io.github.sending-network:sdn-sdk-java:0.1.0'

Prepare a configuration file

Use as the public endpoint.

Provide P2P node endpoint, wallet address, and private key in config.yaml:

endpoint: ""
wallet_address: ""
private_key: ""

Create Client Instance

Once the configuration file has been read, create a Client instance, register the event listener, and initiate the syncing process.

import org.yaml.snakeyaml.Yaml;
import com.sending.sdk.Client;

Map<String, Object> config = new Yaml().load(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(configFile)));
Client client = new Client((String)config.get("endpoint"));
client.loginDID((String)config.get("wallet_address"), (String)config.get("private_key"));

client.registerRoomEventListener(roomEvents -> {
    // process room events

Call API functions

// create new room
String roomId = client.createRoom(roomName, "", null, System.out::println);

// invite user to the room
String userId = ""
client.inviteUser(roomId, userId, null);

// send room message
String eventId = client.sendMessage(roomId, "hello");

// logout to invalidate access token

Last updated