This guide is designed to help you seamlessly integrate and interact with the SendingNetwork API using PHP. This documentation will walk you through the steps to set up, authenticate, and utilize the features of SendingNetwork to enable efficient and secure network communication within your PHP applications.


composer require sending-network/sdn-php-sdk


You will need a developer key to access the Edge Network. For further insight into the mechanism and to request a developer key, please consult the provided guide here.

Prepare a configuration file

In the file bot.creds.json, make sure to include the node URL, wallet address, private key, and developer key.

    "nodeUrl": "",
    "walletAddress": "<WALLET_ADDRESS>",
    "privateKey": "<PRIVATE_KEY>",
    "developerKey": "<DEVELOPER_KEY>"

Create an instance of SDNClient

use SdnSdk\SDNClient;

$json_data = file_get_contents("bot.creds.json");
$config = json_decode($json_data,true);
$client = new SDNClient($config['nodeUrl']);

// login
$token = $client->login($config['walletAddress'], $config['privateKey'], $config['developerKey']);

// add listener for events
$client->addListener(function ($event) {
    // process room event here
}, "");

// start listen

Call API functions

// create new room
$client->createRoom("room name");

// invite user

// send message


See more use cases in examples directory.

Last updated