Getting Started

SendingNetwork (SDN) is an open, secure web3 communication infrastructure that powers decentralized user interactions - enabling users to chat, trade and socialize seamlessly within and across applications. We provide customized and easy-to-install chatting solutions for Web3 Gaming, Wallets and general Dapp developers.

SendingNetwork provides a full-stack decentralized messaging experience, consisting of the P2P messaging network, built-in DID system and decentralized data storage.

As a web3 native communication protocol, SendingNetwork inherently supports crypto trading and transactions. To enrich the message types and enable developers to customize the message content, SendingNetwork built a highly extensible API system that allows developers to interact with Dapps and smart contracts through the messaging interface.

Send and receive messages or make reliable video calls to friends with a unique wallet-based DID. All conversations are end-to-end encrypted, whether private or mass group chats.

All these rely on a high-performance P2P messaging network — Edge Network. The network consists of randomly distributed Edge Nodes that help the SendingNetwork clients on message relays and storage. The network is optimized to handle large-scale group chats properly, solving the traditional broadcast storm issue with the P2P network.

SendingNetwork client SDK

Web3 application developers can add chat and other communication facilities into their apps using SendingNetwork’s SDK and APIs. Take a look at our SDK quickstarts and explore the source code on GitHub.

We also provide a customizable website chat widget that you can easily integrate into your website and enjoy the experience of Web3 messaging in a couple of lines of code.


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Follow @Sending_Network to stay up-to-date on all news and updates.


Join our official Telegram group to discuss any questions about the protocol, SDKs, etc.

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